I received my Glencairn glasses, and they look great. I can’t wait to try them out with a dram of Ardbeg this evening. To answer your question below, I learned of your website simply by searching for these glasses online. I purchased from Cobhthaigh Celtique for several reasons:
You had the best price of all the sellers I could find.
Like you, I appreciate traditional Celtic heritage and have a soft spot for things Irish, Scottish, and Welsh. I admire that you are able to go to those beautiful, timeless places.
Your website was informative. I can tell you enjoy what you do.
I like to buy from small American businesses.
Your testimonials were very complimentary.
I appreciate how well the glasses were packaged. Everything looks great. Thanks again. God bless you, and Merry Christmas.
A.E., SC · 12/09